Help information for transport providers
Secure access to online services
DVA Connect online services give you secure access to information and transactions.
Before you can access our online services, you'll need an AUSkey® from VANguard. This security credential protects your security and privacy when dealing with us online.
DVA uses VANguard for its business to government authentication. You will be taken to the VANguard website for the registration process, and then automatically returned to DVA to start using the range of online services.
VANguard e-authentication
VANguard supports Australian businesses and service providers by allowing them to conduct transactions securely with government agencies (federal, state or local government) using a digital credential.
It enables a government agency to accept a business user's digital credential and then direct that credential to VANguard for authentication. VANguard verifies the digital signature and validates the certificate using an appropriate certification authority within a secure environment. The VANguard eAuthentication model is designed to support a range of business scenarios as well as support a range of digital credentials.
As an authorised transport service provider to DVA, you can access secured transaction services online by registering for AUSkey® which will be verified through VANguard for your protection.
AUSkey® is your pass to login to a range of business to government websites.
Similar to the security tokens you use for internet banking, AUSkey® provides you with assurance that only the people you choose have access to your business information.
More Help?
For further assistance, please contact the Transport Provider Online Team at
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