DVA Transport Portal
DVA online services login help for transport providers

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An unexpected error occurred while authenticating your access to the DVA Connect service:

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Please ensure your credential is valid and your system is correctly set up to access this service using the links below before trying again.

Troubleshooting AUSkey certificates for logging in:

  1. Do you have a valid AUSkey certificate? This may be the issue for logging in, if you do not. To find more information and validate your AUSkey certificate - [link to the AUSkey page]
  2. Do you have an AUSkey certificate? If you do not have one, you will need to go to [link to the AUSkey page] to obtain one
  3. If there was an error identified with your AUSkey certificate, you will need to go to [link to the AUSkey page] to amend the issue before trying again

For information about AUSkey - [Link to information on AUSkey]

If this problem persists, or if you need help accessing the DVA Connect service, please contact the DVA Connect Helpdesk through one of the channels below.

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For any system issues please contact 1300 550 455 and ask for a team leader or manager to assist you - Monday to Friday (8.00am - 7.00pm AEST)



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